Wednesday, April 6, 2016

What am I working on...?

I have never been great at blogging but I am giving it a shot.  It may be boring, but remember you were warned!

I've never understood how people could churn out textures at such a pace.  Granted some aren't the greatest quality, but some are pretty awesome.  I've come to a few conclusions. Either this is their full time job, or they work full time jobs and have no social lives or families.  Or perhaps they have little fairies that do the work for them for food.  I have no clue, but it amazes me.

Anywho, when I create a texture I think heh this isn't half bad.  If I were to buy it what would I like? Variety.  Different colors, maybe make it distressed or shaded, et cetera.  So, that is what I am doing now with the textures I have already created.

Actually, I have already done the different versions, and colors with those textures.  What I NEED to do is make the advertisements, contact sheets, upload everything to Second Life, set it up in the store, and create a marketplace listing.

I don't know why, but the most tedious part for me is making the ads and contact sheets.  I do have the linen fabric textures in earth tones done.  I'll pop in one of the contact sheets below for your viewing pleasure.

I should have that up within the next 24 hours.

I am also working on new textures.  A maple wood grain, maple wood flooring, knitted fabric, and painted wall textures.  After that I don't know, I have to many ideas drifting around in my brain.  Metal?  Ceramic, terracotta, glass, and/or stone tiles?  Damask fabric?  Wallpapers?  Probably, we will see.

Also, I have a rounded brick wall package that will be for L$1 on the marketplace and in the store coming out in the next 24 hours also.  I'll drop a picture below.


That's it for now, Hugs!

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